

PURI RINDA RESIDENCE @ M Khafi, Jakarta Selatan.


Ray White Cipete mengundang bapak/ibu untuk dapat hadir di acara Open House PURI RINDA RESIDENCE yang akan kami adakan pada:

Hari        : Setiap Hari selama September-Oktober 2018
Pukul     : 10.00-16.00 WIB
Lokasi    : Jl Moh Khafi 1, Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan
Dapatkan Bonus 2 Unit AC untuk pembelian unit rumah pada saat OPEN HOUSE.

ADOS 0815 994 1834
YAYAN 0821 1400 5670

Kantor Bhumiamaya : 021 7397708 / 081286157799

Pia : 0895331629831             

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dirancang bangun berbasis konsep arsitektur hunian bergaya tropical modern yang hijau.

Puri Rinda Residence... Hunian ekslusif terletak di lokasi yang strategis dapat di akses dari jalan toll TB Simatupang, memberikan kenyamanan alternatif akses menuju dan dari pusat-pusat bisnis, sekolah, mal, tol, rumah sakit.



Puri Rinda Residence, proudly brought to you by Bhumiamaya, the creator of Madja Residence.

Set on a 4588sqm of land with a beautiful surrounding just minutes from Matoa Golf Course and T.B Simatupang, Puri Rinda offers 18 units of cluster home and 7 units of home offices.

Inspired by the concept of modern tropical architecture, each residential unit in Puri Rinda features a modern facade accented with Italian natural stones exquisitely infused with cultural detail.
The design also emphasizes harmony between building and the natural environment, it ensures plenty of natural light and air movement in all part of the house.

Puri Rinda also features facilities to enhance your lifestyle with attention to privacy. Residents can indulge and relax by the lap pool in a private and secluded area in the complex while children can play in the paddling pool adjacent to the main pool maximizing supervision.

Finally, beauty and environmental harmony are captured by the design of the vast landscape and greenery surrounding the cluster houses, it is truly a gem amid the heart of Jalan Muhammad Kahfi 1



Office Address

  Kenari Djaja 3rd. Floor
Jl. RS. Fatmawati 72/14-15
Gandaria Utara, Kebayoran Baru
South Jakarta
  021 739 7708
  0811 898 7708
  0851 8682 7708
   :  bhumiamaya@gmail.com

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